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pbase Joan H  Money 12 26 2005.jpg

pbase Joan H Money 12 26 2005.jpg

Final picture of the week 2005

Nikon D70
1/25s f/2.5 at 50.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sharon Rogers27-Dec-2005 20:50
yum ? hehe
Bill Ewart Jr27-Dec-2005 15:31
hahahahah!! I had to draw this last night playing Pictionary........the phrase was,"Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" hahahahahahaha......great shot! Oh, and nobody guessed it right either!!!!!!!!!
Bill Ewart Jr27-Dec-2005 15:31
hahahahah!! I had to draw this last night playing Pictionary........the phrase was,"Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" hahahahahahaha......great shot! Oh, and nobody guessed it right either!!!!!!!!!
Monte Dodge27-Dec-2005 08:40
Cute shot.. Merry Christmas.... Monte
jude27-Dec-2005 02:04
LOL.. my favorite.
Karen Leaf27-Dec-2005 01:07
They say to eat lots and lots of greens, but this might be carrying it a bit far :)
Guest 27-Dec-2005 00:32
Great capture! Is there a story behind it?
northstar3726-Dec-2005 23:49
Guest 26-Dec-2005 23:17
I LOVE this, Joan. Great candid!
Ian Clowes26-Dec-2005 22:53
:) !
JW26-Dec-2005 22:36
Interesting ;-) ?!