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crew on March 8 2005 p.jpg

crew on March 8 2005 p.jpg

Virus are running amock in my body.. thus, a picture of the crew waiting at the top of the steps for their bedtime treats.
Gabi, the yellow lab is my neices' dog.
Java is the back lab -
Mollie is geriatric dog of the group, 11 year old

Panasonic DMC-LC1
1/100s f/9.0 at 11.9mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 08-Mar-2005 23:50
I love this! I see you've got one of each. :) I love labs, and this photo is classic!
Al Varland08-Mar-2005 23:39
This is a great one !
Christina Craft08-Mar-2005 23:36
Awww! This is fantastic. I love how they're all in different poses, but have the exact same expression!