Kivik by Lisbeth Landstrøm
Rosenborg Castle by Nikola Gruev
Mursejler (Apus apus) by oedegaard
Fences by Lisbeth Landstrøm
Knarand (Anas strepera) by oedegaard
Stregbredpande (Thymelicus lineola) by H Bornefelt Photo
Odense Boldklub vs Hertha BSC - UEFA Cup by Ronni Hansen
Black and White by Jørgen Erik Christensen
Along the Rhein from Basel to Bodensee by Lisbeth Landstrøm
Baltic Sea & Northern European Cities . . . by knowledgeseeker
Nokia 7610 by Jannik Lindquist
Vindrossel (Turdus iliacus) by oedegaard