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Bernie's Recent Galleries

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05-Feb-2025 04:04
Favorites - Golden Hour
:: Favorites - Golden Hour ::
02-Feb-2025 17:10
Favorites - Insects
:: Favorites - Insects ::
02-Feb-2025 16:17
Favorites - Petroglyphs & Pictographs
:: Favorites - Petroglyphs & Pictographs ::
31-Jan-2025 03:44
Favorites - Plants & Trees
:: Favorites - Plants & Trees ::
29-Jan-2025 04:47
Favorites - Reflections
:: Favorites - Reflections ::
28-Jan-2025 04:34
Favorites - Animals/Wildlife
:: Favorites - Animals/Wildlife ::
19-Jul-2024 17:05
Family Camping Trip
:: Family Camping Trip ::
28-Jul-2023 01:01
June 2020
:: June 2020 ::
09-Jul-2023 21:59
Arizona Trail Backpacking June 2023
:: Arizona Trail Backpacking June 2023 ::
28-Apr-2023 05:51
Arizona Trail  Backpacking - March & April 2023
:: Arizona Trail Backpacking - March & April 2023 ::
30-May-2022 06:30
Grand Canyon Moonlight Hike May2022
:: Grand Canyon Moonlight Hike May2022 ::
13-Jun-2021 04:33
Me and my Pepsi
:: Me and my Pepsi ::